
Five Major Benefits of Structured Cabling

by Chris Sloane

structured cabling

Also known as Infrastructure cabling, structured cabling systems have numerous advantages over point-to-point systems that make them the wiser choice for most businesses, colleges, and nonprofits.

Simply put, structured cabling is a system of organized telecommunications cables that transmit data. There are multiple substructures within the system that all play their own part in keeping operations and communication tidy and streamlined.

When structured cabling is well designed and properly installed by professionals, it can help business owners and building managers avoid major headaches when adapting to the present or preparing for the future.

Here are a few key benefits to these systems:

1.    Less Clutter, More Organization

Aesthetics may be the last thing on your mind when it comes to a well-functioning structured cabling system, but it does play a role in the organization of your office and network. A room full of tangled, dusty cables can be difficult to navigate, hard to replace, or even downright dangerous. A unified, ordered system can eliminate these problems and make repairs and upgrades much easier.

2.    Streamlined Repairs and Limited Downtime

Identifying a faulty cable and tracing it to its source can be very difficult in an unstructured system. Structured cabling is designed to give technicians consistent and easy access when repairs, upgrades, and additions are necessary. This means less time spent with offline systems and more time spent being productive. It also reduces the likelihood of errors, which can further complicate repairs and extend downtime while fixes are being implemented.

3.    Less Chance for Equipment Damage

Messy, disorganized wires can overheat. They are often stepped on, rolled over, and needlessly damaged. This can mean added costs and downtime to repair or replace. With structured cabling, there is an extremely low risk of this happening. Wires are properly supported and either installed inside walls or conduit, safe from the perils of accidental damage and costly repairs.

4.    Higher Capacity

The last 10 years have seen unimaginable advances in technology, and there are no signs of it slowing down. Structured cabling systems have much higher capacity for today’s large bandwidth needs, and they’ll be able to handle more advanced technology for years to come. Fiber optic cabling is the latest technology within structure cabling systems that allows for an almost unlimited about of bandwidth to be transmitted and at long distances.  That means, even as new software emerges and the Internet of Things evolves, Infrastructure cabling has got you covered.

5.    Quick ROI

The amount of money companies with infrastructure cabling spend on repairs is minimal By lowering the cost of IT repairs, reducing downtime, eliminating equipment damage, and increasing the capacity of your system, the return on your investment into structured cabling becomes very apparent very quickly.

You may not see structured cabling as a priority—until something goes wrong. By then, though, the cost of remediation can be extensive. Whether to address your organization’s cabling infrastructure should be obvious at a glance. If you see a messy tangle of wires leading into your servers or you’re finding it difficult to adapt to your growing technology needs, you likely need a more organized and higher-capacity structured cabling system.

At Heritage Communications, we can help you design and install the structured cabling system you need to move confidently into a rapidly advancing technological future.

Click here to tell us how we can help!

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